Seeds for Change provides a free lecture series most months of the year to Austin area non-profit professionals, board members and volunteers. We present and discuss relevant, current and dynamic topics. They are typically structured with a 30-45 min presentation, and then opened up for questions and discussion. These early morning meetings are usually the fourth Thursday each month from 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. Some months will include a bonus one-on-one time where individuals can get direct consultation on their organization's materials. Bonus time ends at 10:00 a.m.
Until further notice, morning lecture series are being held virtually via Zoom.
Until further notice, morning lecture series are being held virtually via Zoom.
2020 Calendar of events
2020 Thursday Morning Lecture Series
Free event. Please RSVP to receive the link to the Zoom. Events are facilitated by Stacy Ehrlich and Seeds for Change Consultants, and include a presentation and discussion, and Q & A.
Thursday, JUNE 18: 8:30 a.m.
Philanthropy in COVID: A Virtual Roundtable with Seeds for Change
We have likely all received good information recently on tools, techniques, and strategies that can help nonprofits navigate the COVID-19 world. While this information is valuable, we also know there is a lot we can learn by hearing from one another. In this spirit, Seeds for Change invites you to a special Zoom breakfast forum where participants will have the opportunity to share how their organizations have pivoted to adapt to the new normal, discuss the challenges and opportunities they are facing, and identify opportunities for ongoing collaboration and learning. The forum will be moderated by Seeds for Change, but participants should come prepared to share their stories.